The Cavalry Fund

Your Legacy Is Our Legacy (PDF)

Your Legacy Is Our Legacy (MS Word)

Cavalry Fund logo

This web site is sponsored by the 1st Hussars Cavalry Fund. We are a registered charity whose mandate is the following:

  • The expense, writing and publishing a Regimental History
  • The enhancement and maintenance of Regimental War Memorials
  • The reception and maintenance in trust in perpetuity of gifts, donations, memorabilia, accoutrements and artifacts on behalf of the 1st Hussars Regiment or any unit thereof; and
  • The fostering, maintenance and promotion of the traditions, efficiency and well being of the military services of Canada.

What is the 1st Hussars Cavalry Fund?

The 1st Hussars Cavalry Fund was incorporated under the Canada Corporations Act as a not for profit corporation under Letters Patent dated May 3rd 2001 File Number 389332-4. The 1st Hussars Cavalry Fund replaces and supersedes the 1st Hussars Regiment Trust founded on 31 May 1995.

The 1st Hussars Cavalry Fund is a registered Charitable Organization under the Income Tax Act with Business Number 87478 4812 RR0001

Our Executive


Col (Ret’d) Christopher Judd, CD


LCol (Ret’d) Joe Murray, CD


LCol Allan Finney


Maj (Ret’d) Bob Beamish

The 1st Hussars Cavalry Fund Legacy Program

The 1st Hussars Cavalry Fund has begun its newest endeavor for those who are interested in including the Cavalry Fund as part of their estate planning, the  1st Hussars Cavalry Fund Legacy Program. Please find more information on the program attached.  The document is fillable in Microsoft Word, or alternatively you can print it out and mail it in.

Our Sponsors

Landmarks London Logo
Ontario Trillium Foundation
General Dynamics Logo

logo militex

Militex Coatings Inc.
Col. James G. Thompson
Col. A. B. Conron Estate
Col. John C. Drake
Col. Andre Maas
1st Hussars Association

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