

The 1st Hussars Regiment Association

Connecting 1st Hussars Everywhere

Founded in 1946, The First Hussars Association is dedicated to preserving the legacy and camaraderie of our regiment. We provide ongoing support to our members, both past and present, through a variety of activities, including reunions, memorial events, and charitable initiatives. The Association also plays a key role in maintaining our regimental traditions, ensuring that our history and values are passed down to future generations.  By joining, members continue to be part of a close-knit community that honors our shared history and supports each other in times of need.

Executive Committee


Sgt Phil Haid

Past President

LCol (Ret’d) Joe Murray, CD

Join us!

Are you interested in supporting the 1st Hussars Regiment and becoming a part of the Association? Please fill out and return the application form here.



An Annual membership fee of $25.00 is required for the period of January – December each year.